Internet Educational Tips
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Go to a Page with Just One Word
You can type a word in the Address bar and press Ctrl-Enterto automatically add http://www and .com on both sides ofthe word.
Scope out Your Connection
Get the scoop on your current Internet connection byrunning Windows' IP Configuration. To do so, click on theStart key and select the Run command. In the command linebox, type WINIPCFG. You will receive information on your IPConfiguration, from your current Adapter and IP addresses,to mask and gateway information. For more extensiveinformation, just click on the button labeled More Info.Keep in mind that you must be connected for this process towork effectively.
Silence Line Noise
Sometimes, when accessing the Internet, you might encountertrouble logging on, surfing, or the appearance of extracharacters as you attempt to use UNIX-based features. Thisis caused by "line noise," or interference in your phoneline, caused by faulty wiring, moisture, or other factors.You can test for line noise by picking up the telephonereceiver (when you are not connected to the Internet), andlistening for line static, or crackling noises. You can cutdown on line noise by using shorter phone cords to connectyour computer to the telephone jack. If all else fails, youcan always contact your local telephone provider, and askthat a technician be sent out to analyze your line quality.
Initialize Your Modem
If your modem refuses to initialize, you can attempt to fixthe problem by entering modem initialization strings. Whenusing a term program, typing "AT&F1" or "ATZ," followed bythe Enter key, will often initialize your modem. Using"ATZ" will usually restore your modem to default settings,while use of "AT&F1" will return the modem to its initialfactory settings.
Encourage Your Modem To Speak Up
If you are not hearing sound from your modem, first attemptto adjust your speaker volume. You can also turn your modemsound up within the Dial-Up Networking Properties for yourconnection. If all else fails, check to make sure yourmodem jacks are connected securely and to the properdestinations.
Speed Up Connections And Shorten Your Cords
Using a longer telephone cord, or routing two mid-lengthtelephone cords through your telephone and computerhardware, can cause signal degradation. This can oftenresult in slower connections and file transfers. If you donot seem to be connecting at your optimal baud rate, tryusing shorter or fewer telephone cords. If your troublepersists, contact your ISP or your telephone company toseek resolution. Sometimes certain geographical areascannot connect at optimal speed.
Talk To Your Modem With AT Commands
When using a terminal program such as Windows'HyperTerminal, and your modem is Hayes compatible, you canperform a variety of modem functions using AT commands. Toaccess ability to excite AT commands in HyperTerminal,simply create a new connection named "AT Commands," selectan icon, and click OK. On the Connect Screen, click ConnectUsing pull-down menu, and select the option labeled "Directto Com#," where "#" is the communications port on whichyour modem is located. Now simply double-click thisconnection to access a terminal screen in which you cancommunicate with your modem using AT commands.
Keep Extraneous Baggage From Slowing You Down
If you have a telephone, caller ID box, or answeringmachine connected to the PHONE, or outgoing, jack of yourcomputer, you may be experiencing interference or slowerconnections. By unplugging telephones or other devices fromthe output jack, you can sometimes experience fasterconnection times and fewer errors.
Sort Mail Automatically
You can use the Inbox Assistant to sort mail that's alreadyin your in-box. Just set up your sorting rules with theInbox Assistant, click the Apply To button, and select yourin-box. Outlook Express filters through the existing in-boxmessages and applies the rules accordingly.
Mail in HTML
Outlook Express lets you create and view email in HTMLinstead of plain ole text. To create an HTML message, clickthe Compose Message button on the main menu. In the NewMessage menu, select Format/Rich Text (HTML). A new toolbarappears that contains standard HTML formatting buttons forfonts, lists, images, and lines. You can use these buttonsto create slick HTML email that your recipients can vieweither in HTML-ready email programs or in a Web browser.
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