A protocols is a set of rules that enables the exchange of information between two computers, regardless of whether they run on different opreating systems. These rules strictly state the format and procedure to be followed while transmitting data between two computers or two networks. A protocol basically gives the "grammar" to their "speech". Certain key protocols you should know about are :
TCP : Transmission Control Protocol, used for the reliable transmission of data over a network.
IP : The internet protocol is the set of rules that dictates how exactly packets of data should be transmitted over the internet. IP standardises the way machines over he internet (or any IP network) forward or route their packets based on their IP addresses.
HTTP : Hypertext Transfer Protocol, used for transmitting and displaying information in the form of Web pages on browsers. This is the langwage used when your Web browser talk to the web server.
FTP : File Transfer Protocol, used for file transfer (uploading and downloading) over the internet. Both FTP and HTTP are based on TCP/IP. FTP is still often used as a means of downloading large files.
SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, used for email.
Ethernet : Used for data transmission over a LAN (Local Area Network).
Wi-Fi : The wireless version of Ethernet.
Of all these protocols, in order to understand how the internet works, what we really need to know is the IP and the TCP.
In my next post.. about TCP/IP
Labels: Internet Education, Protocol
Any browsing activity leaves a trail on the system. Temporary file folders, browser history, browser address bar, browser profile assistant, and the Registry are some places where it is possible to find information that can be used to piece together a user's browsing history. History cleaners are a group of applications that can delete the relevant information from these locations and make it difficult to find where the user has been. On a personal computer, with all security paraphernalia installed, a user can remain relatively protected. But when the need to access the Net over a public PC arises, the following tools can become imperative.
CCleaner : This is comprehensive history cleaner. It can clean the trails of all three major browsers - Opera, IE, Firefox. And while it is it, it can also clean the usage history of commonly used applications like Office 2003, WinRAR, Adobe Flash Player.
Labels: History clener
Most of us would find it considerably difficult to remember hundreds of strings of numbers of the sites we visit. So, for humans, the address is in letters (URL). The domain name is the root identifier of a web site on the internet.
When you want to connect a location on the internet (Website) you'd type in an address like www.yahoo.com IP uses The internet address information
The Domain name system to understand and deliver your mail or request from one computer to another; the letter www.yahoo.com are translated into an IP address, which is in this case, Infact, if you typed in, your screen would show you the Yahoo site and you would make the job a microsecound faster & a trifle easier for the computers. This translation is accomplished by the DNS server. Labels: Domain name, IP
If you want to set up a connection to the Internet or any other network, for that matter. Microsoft has provided the user friendly New Connection Wizard. To use this, open Network Connection : Start > Control Panel > Network Connection.
Under Network Tasks, click Create a new connection, than click Next.
To choose the type connection you want, just click "Connect to the Internet" and click Next.
If you already have an account with an ISP, click Set up my connection manually and than click Next.
Set up the connection manually:
- If you are connecting to your ISP using a standard 28.8 kbps, 56 kbps or ISDN modem, click connect using a dial-up modem, click Next and follow the instructions in the Wizard.
- If your DSL or cable modem ISP connection requires a uses name and password, click connect using a broadband connection that requires user name and password, click Next than follow the instructions in the Wizard.
- If your DSL or cable modem ISP connection is always on and does not require you to type a username and password, click Connect using a broadband connection that is always on, click Next and than click Finish.
Labels: Internet Connection